Taking Trouble Home

Our last day with Trouble started with Mr W trimming his beard! He hadn't checked the settings on the beard trimmer before he started!!! Someone had been fiddling with it so he went slightly shorter than usual! I wonder who that might have been?

Then he asked me where the detailer was, the little gadget he finishes off with.  It wasn't in its usual place in a bathroom drawer.  I am also aware that alot of young, black girls use them on their eyebrows to make slashes! Aware that Trouble has a bit of a fixation on this ethnic group, I asked her if she had it.  Of course she said no but I didn't believe her as her reasoning was too elaborate!!!

So while Trouble was downstairs watching Spongebob Square Pants I made her bed and accidentally (on purpose) tipped her laptop bag upside down and what should fall out???? Our detailer trimmer!!!

Out came that shouty voice again and boy was I mad!!!! 

She then spent much of the day in her room again but without her phone this time.  The same phone that had numerous missed Facetime calls from in the middle of the night. She just had her laptop. That also turned out to be a mistake when we later checked the search history. 

Before we took Trouble home, I had a chat with her about what changes I was going to suggest to her (separated) parents.  The changes included taking her phone away from her.  I tried to explain that smart phones were a privilege, something you earned. Of course she didn't agree and went all Sulky on me!

Anyway, after a roast dinner (where I put my back out bending down to pick up a dropped carrot slice) we took her back to Enfield. She was immediately rude to her mum who she hadn't seen for a week, rude to her mum's friend Harry who was there too supporting mum (Harry was the baby sitter who had all the trouble with her) and I had to step in again and demonstrate my shouty  voice to everyone there. I had advised mum to try and keep withdrawn to prevent a stand off between them.

After a cup of tea and a catch up we left. 

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