The events of the last few days have left Mr W and I feeling a little low. A bit flat. Having a sore back doesn't help either. Luckily I have a few days off to recover before I'm back lifting children in and out the car.
I spent the day trying to finish off last years Photobook as I had a special offer come through for 70% off. We must have had a really busy year as I only got as far as September then I ran out of pages!!! Then the Flashplayer crashed so I gave up and lay down for the rest of the evening. Sitting isn't a great idea when you have a bad back anyway!
The good news is though that Trouble did manage to get to the nail shop to have her stupidly long white false nails removed, Gill did get to the Uniform shop to get her her new Uniform and she did get to her new school for 10.30 and did enjoy her 3 hours there. She was expelled from her old school - no surprise.
Feeling very sad.
Tomorrow is another day.
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