Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

You looking at Me? Seal in Dunbar Harbour.

The first day of GMT. The extra hour was well spent going for my bike ride an hour, relatively, earlier than usual. My partner wants to go to Dunbar to take more stock to the craft shop that sells her notebooks,  cards and earrings.

I decide to do a shortened route of my last ride. It's a cold morning, but there are blue skies, and the sun is out. I head out through Dalkeith on my morning bike ride. Then its up to Ormiston. The temperatures are in single figures, but there's not much wind. From Ormiston, its on to the Pencaitland road, before turning south heading up towards Humbie. However, this time, I take the first left to West Saltoun and East Saltoun, then on to the Gifford road.

I cycle east for a while, then turn north and head towards Bolton until a minor road on my left, to head towards Samuelston. Here I head then NNW on minor roads, passing Elvingston and along the Birk Hedges to Longniddry and the coast road, which I follow to Musselburgh.

I head through Musselburgh, the Innocent Railway and the roads home. For the last part, I am blown up the hill, and back home for 11:30. Not too bad for a 70km bike ride

The ride can be seen at Relive here.

No time for lunch, I have time for a quick shower, then we're out the door. We miss the bus, so walk for a while, then get the next bus to the train station. We get a Cross Country service, 8 carriages full to the gunwales (see here). But we get a seat, it is only to the next stop.

It is sunny until we get to Sunny Dunbar, where it is raining, so we head for lunch. After lunch, it a trip to the craft shop to deposit the goods.

Afterwards, we have some time until the train, so it down to the No Waste outlet to see if there's anything interesting to buy. (I get a set of Tour de France Greats on DVD, two of which are about Lance Armstrong)

Then we wander down to the harbours, which are quite empty. I spot something that appears to be plastic bottles, but they actually turn out to be seals.. The sea is pretty rough with white horses, see Extra taken later, and two seals are taking advantage of a quiet harbour to catch 40 winks. One of them does turn to look at us, decides we're not a threat, and goes back to snoozing. It's probably warmer in the water than out.

We are quite cold, so head for coffee at Umberto's, one of the couple of cafés still open. We still have some time until the train, it is also quite dark, the sun has set. The railways station has a few things to explore, but that doesn't take long.

Train back to Edinburgh busy, but get a seat. In Edinburgh, we don't have to wait very long for the bus, and we are soon home. Quiet evening. Work tomorrow. Spend some time looking through photos from today, and deciding which ones to Blip. Need more than an extra hour to the weekend, would like a couple more for blipping.

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