Planet plastic.

I am a member of a small discussion group. It was founded in Arnside in 1943 and has flourished ever since. Just eight of us meet once a fortnight and discuss a topic chosen and introduced by one of our number.

Usually there is much laughter and we leave cheerful and elated.
Tomorrow I think that may not be so.
It is my turn to talk for 20 minutes to introduce a topic.
I have chosen to talk about the plastic armageddon and the effect on our oceans.
Most people saw the David Attenborough tv programme and many may have seen the 90 minute horror documentary a few weeks ago.
Twenty years ago we would just have complained about the upbringing of people who left plastic bottles on the beach. Now we know that billions of tons of plastic is going into the sea. The effect on ocean wildlife is immense and we now know that at the top of the food chain we are now eating microplastic particles.
In the minute since you started reading this 1 million plastic bottles have been sold worldwide.

Of course we could have discussions about global warming,or about over population, the destruction of soil and forests, Artificial Intelligence, cyber warfare, the effects of social media, mass population movements, the decline in wildlife,antibiotics.....

Or perhaps what our great grandchildren will think of us.

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