The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Water Off A Duck’s Back

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Mad Beautician Lady came to wax me today.

If I told people that it takes her 2 hours, they would wonder just how hairy I am. They would have images of her needing heavy duty gardening equipment to deal with an overgrown thicket*. She would probably be loaded if she could wax and talk at the same time.

Today, after explaining why her husband is annoying her, she decided to go through her repertoire of hygiene horror stories, particularly when performing ‘intimate’ waxing. All I’m going to say is that I’m glad that I have been completely hardened to the ‘Ew’ factor by having nurses as close friends (yes, you are one of the culprits LTJ). I could eat my dinner whilst chatting about fecal vomiting, draining cysts or degloving injuries without even wincing.

In fact, that’s put me right in the mood for a snack!


*Just rude!

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