The Plot

Andy felt better today which was a relief. He managed to accompany Merlin and I on both the morning and afternoon. This afternoon as dusk fell we watched a kestrel hunting over the field where we walked.

Other than dog walking, Andy has spent much of the day writing a computer programme (for fun!) and I have returned to the allotment to continue my work from yesterday. Today I dug over (again) the old compost area at the front of the plot and the soil there is now looking pretty good. I've taken so much rubbish out of it (all-sorts including lots of fragments of plastic bag and netting), it really does make you think about your use of non-biodegradable materials. I also removed more wrought iron sheets from the front of the plot and two metal poles that were about two foot deep in the ground! After all that I was ready for a cup of tea and piece of cake!

I hope you've had a good day too.

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