Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

and in darkness bind them..

In darkness cast like solid stone, amid barren shadows and tumultuous nothing, my mind cast such dreams of wildness. In wildness of nature, surrounded by blowing banshee, demon wind blown branches and frantic chaotic leaves my feet toiled and my heart laboured.

In dark places, secret and hidden, lurked Goblins and spiteful fairy, longing for an unsteady foot or careless step, mud and root their weapons. In the murk and dark such imagination spins a frightful tale, in such furtive ground as my mind it brings wonder and fantasy.

This season of dancing lamp lit branches and sudden wind blown debris gives the mind a great deal of ammunition. For me...I always find Winter a very creative time... and with how my silly mind works....well, I never have enough time to do all the things I want!

So, even today in the horrible weather, I can have a playful time.

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