Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


My head was all screwed up much to think about...a friends Step Father friend having major surgery for cancer and my love for his all was a bit troubling.

I did not realise how worried I was for my friends until I had made the phone call to see how things went, the it's just waiting....

I re-read my blip from yesterday....boy..was my head somewhere else!

On the bike this morning I was filled with thoughts of care...

In Cambridge today we have the Duke and Duchess visiting....all the palaver...Police.... barriers....roads closed....all for two people....who, I think, would probably rather sit down and have a cup of tea with us all, than all this nonsense.

So today is another day...another day of work....another day of chat...another day of caring about others....and yet it feels like a beautiful day despite the grey!

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