A confused genius

By Lez11

That's entertainment

Work was stressfull today so i decided to go for a walk around Birmingham for dinner to get some fresh air. Whilst on my walk I saw 2 of the strangest things!

First strange thing I saw was a 3 wheel fork lift truck, 2 wheels at the front and 1 wheel at the back. 3 wheel cars I sort of understand but not a 3 wheel fork lift truck. Weird!!!!

The second strange thing I saw was a nutter shouting we live in a Jewish world, reciting and shouting the Lord's Prayer, calling everyone morons for watching a street entertainer (pic) and saying the world is going to end in 2012. He is going to be disapointed when the world doesn't end this year. I didnt know what was more entertaining the street puppet or the nutter? You have to love the nutters up Birmingham.

Tonight I got home determined to clean out my spare room. I threw me a casserole in the oven and got to work on my spare room. When I'd finished I forgot about my casserole and I over cooked and burnt it. Oh well 2 bags of pickled onion space raiders for my tea tonight.

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