Summer Holiday

Over the past few weeks I've been sorting through some old things, working out what I want to keep and what to give to charity.  One of the things I have been keeping is a 35mm slide scanner that Mum bought.  She started to digitise all our old family photos and my plan has been to continue that job so that eventually all our slides are in digital format.  

This evening the wind and rain are beating at the window so I have been playing with the scanner.  I've managed to get it to work!  This is one of the slides I scanned.  Its a typical scene photographed on our annual summer holiday which we always took with my mum's parents.  Here they are both featured, along with my dad.  

Dad looks very relaxing, vaguely amused at mum's photo taking (he is no doubt offering her some sarcastic words of advice!); my grandad wearing shirt, tie and jacket with his binoculars perched on the table, ponders the surrounding countryside; whilst my nan looks rather disgruntled at having her relaxation and privacy interrupted by photography!  We had probably been for a walk and stopped for a picnic or afternoon tea.  There was much fun and amusement on these holidays; and always a crossword puzzle, a flask of tea and cake to hand!  

Now onward to scanning the tens of other slides which reside in the projector carousels! Wishing you a safe, warm and peaceful evening.

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