Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Remembrance Of Things Past

Armistice Day 2018, Jedburgh. The town always turns out for these occasions. As well as the organisations on parade and laying wreaths, there were many like this gentleman wearing medals pinned to their overcoats, or a Glengarry bonnet.

After the ceremony at the War Memorial we went into the Parish Church for a service conducted by the ex-Minister of of the ex-Church at the foot of the High Street.  He told us it was his first time in the pulpit for ten years.  He made the most of it!

I worry on these occasions that I'll have to listen to a lot of rhetoric that I'll find myself totally disagreeing with.  But, after the right kind of rhetoric about the horror of war, he launched into an indictment of the inequality of the country we have made.  Well said, and the collection plate was overflowing at the door as we slowly filed out (the church was full, not often you see that).

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