Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


I went to a remember acne service for a dear neighbour who passed away recently, Joan spent her last few months in Hexham where her Son lives but for the sixty five years before that she lived with her husband Kenneth in Harrogate, both were doctors and involved with many aspects of the spa towns life. Joan in particular gave her time to the Scouts, the St Johns Ambulance Service, the Conservative Association and many many more good causes to numerous to mention
We met them when they moved next door to us about sixteen years hence, both had retired by then but Joan was still relentless in her endeavours enduring a legacy that will be remembered for a very long time. Kenneth passed over about five years ago and poor Joan had lost her soul mate, she started to feel her years after that & joined her husband in Gods care at the age of eighty nine.

Thanks for being such and inspirational person Joan and thanks for the poem below which you kindly gave to us when we first met you, it's helped us thought the tough times in our marriage, you were a wonderful, wise & thoughtful friend and we miss you.

If all the good people were clever,
And all clever people were good,
The world would be nicer than ever
We thought that it possibly could.

But somehow 'tis seldom or never
The two hit it off as they should,
The good are so harsh to the clever,
The clever, so rude to the good!

So friends, let it be our endeavour
To make each by each understood;
For few can be good, like the clever,
Or clever, so well as the good.

Elizabeth Wordsworth

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