Double Shot Mummy


Rain in Dubai!

Apparently it hasn't rained here for 2 years, but today it did! Luckily, before we came to Dubai I had just bought Oscar and Bailee some gumboots that were too big at the time. I was disappointed that they were hardly used so we leaped at the opportunity to jump in muddy puddles this morning!

Bailee and Oscar were so happy to finally be able to wear their wellies. We all spent over an hour at the park just finding puddles to jump in, as Maple watched in wonderment. Bailee was so excited, and gave some of the biggest smiles and giggles I have seen since we got here! Towards the end Oscar decided he'd rather try climbing up the slide in his muddy gumboots and Bailee kept calling out to him, "Ga, boots on come jump in muddy puddles!". In the end we all got soaked as it suddenly bucketed down and I couldn't move very fast with Maple in the sling, two toddlers and a pushchair.

As much as I used to complain about the rain in England, we really enjoyed it today. It felt refreshing and nice to not be overheated. It was also like a toy you'd hidden away for ages then suddenly got out again; lot's of fun for the kids!

Maple has been quite agitated for the past few days. I think it is her teeth as she is really not herself but doesn't seem unwell. Times like this make me feel so grateful to have such a contented baby.

I am now getting the impression that my original prediction is wrong, and that Maple is going to have blonde hair (Noy brown) and blue eyes. Only time will tell, but I am sure the blue eyes are already locked in!

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