
By LifeLines

Parsnip Soup

This morning we'd planned a walk near Kingsley Vale in the South Downs but we were thwarted in our plans when Andy's car developed a flat battery!  To be fair we had thought it was going for some time but hadn't realised quite how low it was.  So, whilst Andy called the AA and got that sorted, I made parsnip soup and washed my car.  

Afterwards I wandered to the allotment.  There had been another delivery of manure so I was able to put several wheelbarrow loads on to my beds.  I'd been noticing for several weeks now, some large filled sacks that had been left at the entrance to the allotment.  Today I was told they were filled with hops which are good for soil fertility. I managed to (just about) manoeuvre one of the heavy sacks in the wheelbarrow to my allotment (I'll spread it another day).  I also started the job of shifting the soil from the front of the allotment (where I want my compost area) up to one of the back beds.  

Then it was home for the afternoon dog walk - which now has to happen at 15:30 so we can do it before it gets too dark. How the flow and feel of the days changes at this time of year - in the summer it would have felt much earlier in the day, with hours more time to be outside.  

This was the scene as we walked with the sun going down and the darkness descending.  A kestrel hunted in the sky overhead.  There was such peaceful atmosphere.

Hope you have all had day a good day.

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