A Jolly Good Claes Line
Slightly warmer today, but mostly dull and breezy. Showers started after tea, and winds picking up.
I've been working on the museum desk all day, and had a really busy day setting up for events on tomorrow. The museum was fairly quiet, a flurry around lunchtime. Mam and Elise popped over for tea tonight, reestit mutton tattie soup and bannocks, yummy. Walkies with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub later.
I nipped home at lunchtime, and then popped along friend Julie too. She wasn't home, but I was greeted by a jolly good clothes line. I'm not sure if all these jolly hats are her own, but more than possibly for the school where she works. It nearly Tis the Season and all. Taken at Meadowfield Crescent, Scalloway.
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