
3years 40days

Over the past couple of days, the girls nursery has been revealing their Christmas grotto to the children. The house and reindeer and a huge sleigh of presents appeared first, including s present for every child. Nexf, a big Christmas tree with a train going round in appeared. And a week on Saturday, Santa is coming by helicopter to their Christmas fair

I took Katie into town this morning. She was allowed a present as she's done a couple of things this week that have been pretty huge for her and I'm very proud of her. She chose a little wooden monkey for her animal set. I added a sheep as it was very adorable!

We then headed into gymnastics. She was so excited to see bobbins, who was rather full of excitedness. Katie did some really good bar work today, supporting herself up with locked arms beautifully. She'll be doing circles round it in no time I fear!

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