The Girls

3years 41days

I love my girl for a lot of reasons. One of them is for how much she loves her girls. Her friends. Top photo is Tamsin, Katie and Brooke. New nursery partners in crime. Bottom photo is Eva, Livvy and Katie. Old nursery partners in crime, plus Brooke who wasnt in the photo. And whilst she sees Eva and Livvy very rarely now, there's rarely a day that passes when Katie doesnt talk about them. Her face lit up when she spotted Livvy and her mum arriving to Brooke's 3rd birthday party this afternoon. I love seeing Brooke and Katie together. They are like sisters. They utterly adore each other, bicker over the most ridiculous things (like today we had who has a bigger carrot, even if the answer is clear, they both insist they must win) but seconds later are laughing, chasing and squealing together.

Our day didnt go to plan really. We set out to go to ballet. We cycle, train, cycle to get there. We did the cycle. Most of it. Before realising Monkey had evacuated the bicycle. So off we trundled in hunt of him. We made it all the way home without seeing him. Set back the way we'd gone, couldnt see him. Eventually, Katie spotted him. In a tree. Someone had kindly picked him up, put him safe, and he'd fallen in the branches, very hard to see. But it meant we missed the train, so I tried to get us a taxi. There were none available! There were no buses by then taht would get us there in time either. So we went for a drink, at her request. She actually then had three. Three babyccinos.

We took advantage of the time and sorted out a few Christmas jobs, and chose the Christmas Tree, collected her winter snowsuit which had arrived yesterday etc. The tree selling people very kindly carried it a fair distance to where a taxi was picking us up, took us and the tree home. I had prewarned them about the tree on the phone. Thankfully, the wrong taxi then picked us up and had no idea about the tree but managed. I say thankfully, because the one who had been sent for us wouldnt have fitted it in!

We went home and I put her to bed for an hour so she could be full of it for the afternoon. Thomas' mum, her friend from nursery, picked us up and the children chattered and laughed the whole way there. She was quite shy at first at the party, and at various points during it. She refused to open pass the parcel because people were watching her, wouldnt dance when she'd spotted someone was watching. But she had a wonderful time chasing her Brookey, dancing to the Wiggles and having her nails painted for the very first time ever!

It was really lovely to catch up with "Old Nursery Friends". I also made good friends through that group so it was nice for Mummy too. The nursery manager was at the party. She works at where I teach so we see a lot of each other, but she'd not seen Katie since summer. She had a real soft spot for my girl, so she was made up to see her and the other old nursery children. It made me really sad actually - she got stuck in running the party games, just oozing fabulousness with the children. She said sadly "well, this is the closest I'll get to throwing their Christmas party this year". I think it says a huge amount abou her as a person and the nursery that she ran that 7months on nearly and people are still feeling the gap that it's closure has left, still missing it.

We got back from the party too late to make her swimming class, and had to collect our bike from town. We cycled home, she watched an episode of Dora before falling asleep, still in her party dress at barely 6pm.

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