Construction Site

A slightly better day, but still windy.  Rainy showers started in the afternoon, with gales picking up again tonight.

I've been working on the museum desk again today.  It's been a fairly quiet day, but kept busy tidying away yesterday's events.  Met up with mam and peerie Brian for lunch, and a walk too.  With a rainy evening, I've had a fairly lazy time.  I managed a walk with Sammy, and got soaked!  Feet up now, and started watching Island Medics. Good to see friends on the telly, including Aileen and Derek Robertson :) 

Me and mam managed a walk after lunch, and started raining on our way back to work.  I did manage a quick snap before the rains came.  This is the site of the old Central school gym hall and canteens, with the old school across the road.  The buildings here were demolished earlier this year, and the foundations now going in for the 32 new flats on the site.  It will be interesting to watch the progress.  Taken from Prince Alfred Street, looking on King Harald Street, Lerwick. 

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