Proud Weegie

By Shiv

A little number.

Early rise for Weegie household. No 1 was helping at ballet, No 2 had her Christmas Gymnastics display, No 3 had her usual Saturday dance classes.

After the madness I nipped off to do some Christmas shopping - topped off with a quick trip to Costco to fill up on all the boring stuff we need to buy in bulk ! (toilet roll, kitchen roll, washing powder and a lot of chicken and meat for the freezer) - all boring stuff - until I got to the check out and realised I had totally forgotten my PIN for my bank card.

3 tries at the till and another at the wee bank machine and I was drawing blanks ! No matter how much I apologised to the growing queue - by this time they had murder in their eyes ! You could see they were only pretending to be nice - inside they were saying "Stupid Cow - must be day release at the local hospital" It was awful !

Eventually they had to void the sale and I spent the next 40 mins wandering around Costco looking at 3ft glowing Penguins, frantically phoning home on the off chance anyone there knew my PIN.

Various combinations were suggested. Finally I decided I had to empty my trolley back into the shelves (it was the least I could do) - just as I put away the last multi jumbo pack of toilet roll - I remembered it!

Then I had to do the whole shop again (either that or come back another day and do it). It was awful !

Here's a blip of No 2 doing bendy stuff this morning.

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