The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Christmas Jumper Day Out

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We went out for lunch today with a group of friends. We really weren’t looking forward to it. It is an annual get together for a group of 10 friends but the person organising it decided to ask other people along. Who I don’t know. Strangers! There has also been a recent fallout between a couple of people and I felt anxious in case that reared its head.

It was better than I expected although we stayed out later than planned. We had decided to head home at six and were just finishing our ‘last’ drink when 2 friends who couldn’t make it earlier, Old Nick and Hannah turned up.

‘I only came because I knew you were going to be out,’ Hannah (drunkenly) claimed.

And then it was 9 pm and I was quite squiffy!

I may have invited a bunch of people over on Christmas night.

I also may have said that I would definitely be up for doing a cycle from John o’Groats to Land’s End*.


*I’m not!

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