Mr K inspects the plate
A tedious game against a hard battling Motherwell, which we win 1-0. Still, having arrived in the vicinity of the stadium a bit early, I managed to squeeze a pint in beforehand with F and bigPhil, back from five weeks in India, and thirsting for beer. What I do for pals.
After the game I legged it to the C&B down Broughton St to meet up with the daughter and s-i-l to chat awhile and watch Chelsea v Man City. Their house purchase seems to have gone nowhere, but are they downhearted? They are not.
Then. Ta-rra! The boat club Christmas party and a good crowd. No prizes for yours truly this year, though I did win a bottle in the raffle - it was the bottle I’d donated. Could have been worse. Much worse. Afterwards we’d to take a well oiled WB home, which meant we’d to swing past the Jubilee - oh joy.
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