
Took the children to The Happy Potter today. Al had said he wanted to paint my mum a mug for Christmas. What this really means is; 'I would like to have a hot chocolate and one of those really lovely cupcakes they sell there'.

Once he'd had his hot chocolate, his interest in painting his mug dropped off a cliff! Betsy's football match was cancelled (the pitch was frozen) so she came too.

After lunch, Betsy went over to a friends, and Chris took Al swimming. When they got back, Al got out his old train track. We used to put up the longest most complicated rail systems all the time when he was in nursery, and his first term of reception, when he was home in the afternoons. He's never wanted to get rid of it, and I'm fond of too, having spent so many happy afternoons playing with it together. It was lovely to see it again, and now we have the added excitement of the cats chasing the trains around and pawing them off the track and pouncing on them from the sofas. A perfect Sunday afternoon activity!

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