The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Secret Ninja

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Smashley and I drove to Colinton Dell this morning to take the dogs for a walk. Smashley’s dog, Jarvis is an old boy. He needs to be lifted into the boot of the car these days as he can’t quite manage to jump up.

The other day, Smashley’s wife Nicely was given a box of chocolate biscuits which she popped on the kitchen table. Somehow Jarvis channelled his inner ninja and managed to jump onto the table and munch his way through the entire box before he was caught.

It made me laugh at the end of the walk when the car boot was opened and he looked up sorrowfully at Smashley.

At least he has good taste. They were M&S extra chocolatey biscuits.


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