The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Shopping Strategy

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today was Christmas shopping day. For the first time in years, The Prince and I went together. This was a potential recipe for disaster as both of us hate shopping.

I set some ground rules:

Don’t moan
Don’t get impatient.
Don’t do that annoying hovering thing.
It is ok to deliberate for more than 3 seconds.
No ‘WTF?’ at the random stocking presents.
Really, don’t moan.

With that cleared up, we set off.

And it was great. We BOSSED it. I had a plan and we stuck to the mission. We got everything that required being in actual shops and left. The only (minor) deviation was a stop at the hot dog stand so that The Prince could top up his energy levels.

It was actually quite bearable. Almost pleasant. Having company made the experience so much better. We even said we’d do it again next year!

When we got home, I spent a productive few hours clicking and other than a couple of little things, I am done. In one day. I am a shopping warrior. So many ticks on my to do list. I am almost giddy!


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