My Best Efforts - Year 3


"What ARE you Staring at?............

....................yes, I know I am very handsome but staring is very rude!! and anyway, I can outstare you any time!!"
I was out this afternoon looking for a suitable subject to use as a Blip and driving through a small village not many miles away, I spied this beautiful Ram. He was in a small paddock all to himself. He was in the far corner of the field and it was quite a while before he condescended to come a little nearer - but when he did, I noticed his magnificent horns. I have seen a fair few Curly Horned rams but never one with such a wonderful adornment. Hope you like him too..............

It has been another glorious if extremely cold day - I was very grateful to the person who invented the car heater!!

I am delighted to hear that "Another Sunset" gained a place on the Spotlight page - and so have to say a huge "Thank You" to all my Blip-palls who put it there. You are all so very kind and generous! Have a super week everyone and keep warm.

If you would like to see a bigger "Curly" just click on "L" on your keyboard.

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