My Best Efforts - Year 3


Fatsia (Aralia japonica)...........

...............and I can't find a common name! The one in my garden has just opened some of it's flowers and it wasn't until I looked closely I noticed that there was one clump that was beginning to develop berries already - so here are images of both for good measure! The Fatsia is a very decorative, evergreen shrub that can grow to up to 10ft - the leaves are very glossy and palmate and the berries will be dark purple. Fairly easy to grow - it gives the impression when in a pot at the Garden Centre that it maybe an indoor plant but I have found it as tough as old boots!!

The weather first thing did not look good but by about 11.oo, out came the sun and stayed for the rest of the day.

I was extremely surprised (and delighted) to see that "What are You Staring at? " got on to the Spotlight page - I really did NOT expect that!! So I have to say an extra big "Thank You" to everyone who put the Horned Ram there - I will tell him when next go to that village - or will I - he is perhaps a bit too uppish already!!

Click on "L" to enlarge today's picture

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