My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Great Start......... the day! This was taken at about 7.25am - I nearly missed it as I didn't draw back the curtains until 7.00am.
Now, at 9.05am, there is no sign of what it was like a couple of hours ago - as so often recently, it is now all cloudy though bright.

Keep Fit class later this morning - I must ring Beryl whom I usually pick up to see if she is going too - she has recently had an operation on her knee. Beryl may be remembered by some as the Orchid lady - she always tells me when she acquires another and asks if I want to take photos for my "photo thingy"!

After a lovely start, the clouds have rolled in and there is no sign of any blue sky! Temperature is reading 39 Deg'F. so not too bad.

Have a pleasant day - only 23 days to C.......s!

Update at 10.00am - now we have fog!!!

Last years picture was of a very impressive ram!

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