
I'm out of the office all week, this week: a meeting in Accrington, today, and then Berlin for the rest of the week. Except the meeting in Accrington has been cancelled. 

I made my au revoirs to the office on Friday and it just felt a bit dopey going in again, this morning, so instead I decided to work from home but I wanted to catch up with Steve, so we agreed to meet at The Crooklands Hotel, which is always so much nicer than I remember it. 

I got there early and did a bit of work, accompanied by a coffee. For all my life things have been so many pounds ninety-nine or so many pounds ninety-five, resulting in a constant accumulation of small change. I don't see so many pennies, these days, though: is everyone going x pounds ninety-five?

There were no five pence pieces at the Crooklands, today, though. These are the first pennies I've seen for a while. 

-11.4 kgs
0 words
Reading: Nothing yet (wait until tomorrow!)

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