On The Flip Side

I popped over to George Street at lunch time and as I was walking I noticed All Saints Church reflected in rather a big puddle. As it was sunny, the reflection was really clear, so I stopped to take some photos which came out better than I thought. Then I flipped the photo so the church was the right way round, and I’m quite pleased with the effect.

At work Steve saw two patients from Saudi Arabia this morning - one of which he’s seen in the past. Anyway, she was ill so went to see a doctor in Saudi, but wasn’t happy with the medication he gave her and said she only trusts Steve. Her friend had the same problem, so her husband has flown them both over here just to see him! That’s some trip to see a doctor and quite a compliment!

I’m still feeling achy and haven’t felt 100% today, but I’m no worse, so I’ll have another early night with the Night Nurse and fingers crossed it’s just a 48 hour bug.

The good news is that on today’s weigh in, I’ve achieved my 10 kgs weight loss which I’m really happy about. I still hope to lose more, but this was my goal for Christmas.

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