Christmas Pressies

I've been a little bit blipless over the last couple of days - a mixture of work, miserable weather and a general lack of time.  I'm still fighting the lurgy, I'm no worse, but I'm not 100%

I worked an extra shift this morning, but it was my last until New Year's Eve and mum arrived this afternoon, so the holiday can begin.  Tomorrow we need to pack as we leave for France early Saturday morning and thankfully we're driving, and not flying as Gatwick Airport is currently closed due to some idiots flying drones in the airspace!

I exchanged gifts with my colleagues today and received a huge Italian hamper from Steve & Shaughan that contains 4 bottles and a panettone.  I opened it as there's no way I could take it to France, but the other pressies will be coming - this one's off Julie, she's wrapped it lovely and her husband has made the gift tag out of wood and engraved it.

Five more sleeps!

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