Double Shot Mummy


Hello 445am!

After Oscar's bike accident yesterday, he woke 4 times last night, I think because of the fright he got and his lip hurting. He then woke up bright and cheery, ready to face the day at 445am!!!!

This is one of those things that is difficult with twins or siblings sleeping in the same room. Especially in our apartment as the light switches are crazily low enough that Oscar and Bailee can turn them on and off themselves. So Oscar wants to play with Bailee in the morning and turns on the bright lights and says "Wake up Bailee, wake up!" Poor Bailee would much rather sleep in, but eventually gets up to join the mischief-making, early rising force!

So the morning was a bit of a slow and grumpy one, for Bailee especially as she needed more sleep. I luckily still managed a shower mid-morning and we even made it to our music class (Although the twins almost fell asleep beforehand).

i decided that cutting down on the twins' naps is making no difference to when they wake (Namely Oscar). So I have put it back to 90 minutes, and am hoping this morning was because of the bike fall! We have been talking all day about 'Mr Sunshine' and the 'black night sky' and how when Oscar wakes up he needs to peep under the blinds and see which one he sees. If it is the black night sky, he needs to not turn on the lights or wake up Bailee and play quietly in his bed or come and visit mummy and daddy. If Mr Sunshine is out then it is time to get up! He seems quite excited about this new proposition so we will see what tomorrow brings!

I had a very difficult time choosing today's photo as we also had some gorgeous (And rare) pics of all three children together :-) We went to the park this afternoon and I was really impressed how independently Bailee played today. Oscar is much more independent, but Bailee gets bored very easily and prefers to just hang with me. This is fine, but not always physically possible. It was lovely seeing her play in the sand today for about half an hour by herself and with Oscar (Even if it was with a digger she had stolen off another child!)

In the meantime, Maple lay on a towel next to me. She had some great tummy time and was trying to coordinate her legs to crawl. I ADORE her chubby legs. They are very plump and layered with rolls. She has the sparkliest violet blue eyes and is starting to giggle hysterically over certain things on a regular basis! I took her out in the pram so that she could have a good look around; it seems a bit strange not having her in the sling but she enjoyed the variation!

I don't know where the time is going, Maple is growing so much. Bailee and Oscar love her to bits and love to cuddle and kiss her and help wash her in the bath. Yesterday I had the sling on without Maple in ready to put her in once we got out of the car. Bailee looked at me and said, "Maple in there!" I asked her if she wanted Maple to come too. just to see what she'd say and she gave me a look like I was asking a stupid question and replied, "Yes, Maple in the sling!".

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