City boots
Gloriously warm (for December) sunny day so, with my calls done for the day and nothing more urgent than a huge stack of work, I ate lunch outside and was warm enough to remove my scarf!
Later, irritatingly, the company that was supposed to quote for installing heat in the kitchen and my office called to say they can’t install stoves they don’t supply. Why couldn’t he have told me that when he came to look at the stoves, or at any point in the interceding six weeks??? Gah!
Mr B arrived home in time for dinner and much nonsense was talked about reconducted (definiTely a word), Swift’s view on babies, and the government buying fridges. Then Doctor Who raised the tone.
With the kids in bed, Mr B and I got caught up on a couple of busy days where our only conversations were while he was boarding flights (one of which while actually running, which is not his favourite state of matter). Too late to bed...
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