
By shy

Luvverly sosijis

I like 'em, me. Toad in the hole for supper having spent most of the day in my pyjamas. Sometimes it is good to chill especially when there is plenty of food in the fridge and no DVDs to return to Blockbusters.
Since the weekend has a foody theme, I can tell you that I made an authentic Ragu sauce yesterday - nothing like the stuff you get from the supermarket:
Minced beef, chicken livers, bacon, carrots, onions, celery, white wine, beef stock and cream. It tasted great. I followed the recipe (circa 1920) to the letter. Flick couldn't eat all hers. On returning to the recipe, it said it was more than enough for six people. There were only three of us, and we ate the lot (except for the bit flick left). There was no room for the rice pudding I made from an authentic recipe: Rice, cream, milk, eggs, nutmeg.......


PS I think the frying pan has seen better days - it cost a fiver a couple of years ago and the non-stick surface has worn away. From now on I'll buy cheap ones.

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