Lesser Spotted Coffee
As a confirmed tea drinker, this espresso was rare medicine for me - but much needed.
A night’s sleep that was snore-disturbed, and then worry-disturbed, meant the wee and not so wee small hours were spent googling eventualities I didn’t want to know about.
In the end, the worst didn’t transpire, and as it is not my ‘worst’ to speak of, you’ll have to remain in the dark.
But all of that to say that it was a very sleepy SooB who spent the first half of the day waiting to hear about the worst news, and the second part (after a brief reprieve snooze face down on a table) fuelling with caffeine my first ever completion as a ‘professional’ (after a very very long out-of-my-control wait).
In the middle of all that, I realised I may be taking my responsibilities as a ‘pet-granny’ too far when I spent 5 minutes warming a head of endive in front of the stove because the rabbits don’t like it fridge cold.
Ever feel like life is spinning so far out of your control you’re not sure you can grab its coat-tails?
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