Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


I did some Aptis online testing in the morning....need to make sure I reach my minimum contracted hours by the end of the month!

We then wandered along to Copacabana Palace to check our table was all ok for Christmas day and to check the position of it - who said we're fussy? On the way back from the Palace and going to our Saturday feijoada lunch place, I dragged Bb into this havaiana shop to check his size....shshsh!

A feijoada lunch (a stew of different kinds of meat and black beans, rice, kale, and orange slices) at the -triangle place' - yes, a bit strange in 35 degrees, but it's the typical dish on Saturdays and we love it!

Siesta in the evening and then a walk out at night to quench our thirst - we were thirsty after the feijoada and forgot we had no water in the fridge!

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