Happy Christmas

A wonderful day enjoying the Christmas sunshine on our , now, traditional walk on the beach.
I was up really early peeling tattles and veggies and thinking of all the children that were probably awake at the same time but eagerly opening presents.The sunrise was lovely and I watched Tinkerbell and listened to some carols until Mike and David were up.
Made sausage rolls and mince pies , put the apple juice and spices on to heat in the slow cooker ( thank you Judith Glue for the idea ) and prepared the Turkey Crown. Turkey in the oven and Richard and Ronnie arrived. A cup of tea and a chat before we headed for the beach. Glorious sunshine and feeling warm especially as there was no wind. A quick walk, the tide was on it’s way in and I needed to get back to put get the rest of the dinner sorted , I had my timings all written down :)
We all sat down at just gone 2 o’clock , I had remembered everything , hurrah :) Pleased it turned out well.We had moved the dinning table into the lounge again which gave us abit more room.Richard had made some refrigerator / tiffin cake with little marshmallow snowmen in the top which we had for our pudding, delicious.
A chat with my Mum, Dad and brother after the Queen and then time to open presents. Some lovely gifts :)
Crackers pulled , more hot apple and tea consumed and then it was time for Richard and Ronnie to go home.
Mike made a few sandwiches, we watched some tv but I was struggling to stay awake and beginning to ache so decided to head off to bed at 8pm, I might be a Brown Owl but I’m definitely not a night owl ;)
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day as well.

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