Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

?Let it snow, let it snow?

Driving to work in the deepest of pitched mornings, I was surprised to see snow on the edges of the road. East Anglia doesn't suffer from bad weather...apart from strong winds (it's very flat you know!), so people panic sets in when anything other than perfect conditions are about....really pathetic!

After spending not a small amount of time last night painting more Christmas cards, to have snow laying about this morning was lovely.

Having travelled about in many countries where snow is a fact of life, my attitude is very different to many people from around here...don't panic and just change the way you do things! Simple really...time is the issue....leave more for travelling....don't go too fast....and don't drive up other cars arses!

A long day at work so I doubt I will see much daylight today....but the lovely girls I work with will bring some sunshine in their smiles so it will be fine!

Have a good day folks!

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