
On the last day of the year our good friends from Portobello came over for lunch and a walk up The Hill and then one of them lost it completely back at ours with the novelty Christmas Holiday Specs, and he displayed what was possibly the most joyous, happy face that I saw in the whole of 2018! Simple things...

OK, no more mucking about. Yesterday I posted my films of the year, today it's the turn of music. My favourite albums that I heard in 2018.

1. Head Technician - Profane Architecture
2. Efrim Manuel Menuck - Pissing Stars
3. U.S. Girls - In A Poem Unlimited
4. Sons Of Kemet - Your Queen Is A Reptile
5. Ancient Methods - The Jericho Records
6. Helena Hauff - Qualm
7. Blawan - Wet Will Always Dry
8. Blue Chemise - Daughters Of Time
9. Grouper - Grid Of Points
10. Jay Glass Dubs - Plegnic

Other notables include albums from Shinichi Atobe, Idles, Johann Johannsson's soundtrack for 'Mandy', Gas, Luke Haines, Mark Pritchard, Baxter Dury/Etienne De Crecy/Delilah Holliday, Surgeon, Chris Carter and Mark Kozelek.

Right, that's enough with 2018.


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