Happy New Year......

.....and may all the magic and beautiful things colour your world wild and wonderful.
With Love
Gitama and the Usual Suspects

We did our usual...early to bed and early to rise ritual....to watch the first light arrive in the New Year .....it’s something we do since Flynnie was born.

I was happy to fall out of bed to see the moon hanging so prettily in the sky...then to be driven to the coast with a cup of tea in hand.
There were a few of us that watched as the sun rose and the sky change a colour and the light dance on the water....we were all lined up on the headland as if we were at the movies.

I have posted several extras of the morning...but of course it had to be the boys that featured.

Does anyone have a clue as to what this is I took a pic of in the sky this morning....to me it looked like a flaming meteorite.......someone said it was a plane...(they weren’t there to see it) I know it wasn’t that...........I am posting them as the last two extras.

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