The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Mistaken Identity

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Last year, we went for a dog walk with a big group of friends on Yellowcraigs beach and then for lunch. It was such a good day that we decided to do it again. It is such a lovely and stress free way to catch up with other families during silly season.

I think I laughed all the way through lunch. Our table included Basher & Shuvly, who are both hilarious, Jenk & Sooj and Clara (Sooj’s sister). Jenk and Sooj were married last year in an amazing country house in Devon which they had hired out for the weekend so that their families could also stay there.

On the day of the wedding, Clara was up early and sitting having a cup of tea on the sofa. Jenk’s Dad, Tom came through and sat right next to her. Wearing only a pair of Y-fronts.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

“I am now,” she replied feeling naturally disconcerted.

It took a while for the penny to drop. Thankfully, It wasn’t a #metoo moment. Sooj and Clara are identical twins and Tom mistakenly thought he was just checking that his daughter-in-law to be wasn’t feeling too stressed!

In his own home he walks about in his pants in the morning and hadn’t considered changing this routine!


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