
By zouclay

Late Afternoon in the Sandias

The daily walk happened in the foothills of the Sandia this afternoon around the Elena Gallegos picnic area. We walked a couple of hours. The dog bounced, the baby sang and I pushed the stroller.

I am back to black and white, which I like best. This is fake IR manipulated with silver efex and photoshop elements. Tomorrow, I get a new IR camera and I can hardly wait. It has a zoom and will also take UV pictures. As I said before, I can hardly wait.

The crisis at work has been postponed a week, so I can breathe and assuming we don't get buried in snow overnight, tomorrow I can play.

Today I give thanks for the day I was given, each day being a little treasure to watch unfold and enjoy, the joy of anticipation, the stroller, the puppy and the day.

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