
By zouclay

Reeds in the bosque

The new UVIR camera came today. It is a Fuji IS-1. It is a demo model and came without a manual, but it is still pretty cool nevertheless. I think the missing manual will give it a longer learning curve as this camera has lots of buttons. I am pretty happy with it overall, although I might have made a different choice on a different day.

The baby, the dog and I walked along the river in the bitterly cold wind today. The dog didn't seem to mind. I had the baby in her bunting, which makes her look like a little pink fuzzy starfish and then wrapped in her blue fleece blanket so she didn't mind, and I guess it was so pretty out that I didn't mind. Then we fed the ducks and geese which makes the baby laugh (Joe pup has to stay in the car for that part because he keeps wanting to chase and bark).

Today, I give thanks for the day I was given, the relative good health I enjoy and all the material comforts in my world. I wonder on a daily basis why I am so lucky.

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