Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Ballerina Girl

Well the boy is mostly better, although he slept until 07.30 this morning, but he had been awake with coughing fits four times in the night. We slithered our way to school again this morning. I was again glad of the sling, although other parents assumed I must be "so strong to carry him these days". Err no I have been doing it since he was born and you get used to his very slowly increasing weight.

William played with his trains while I caught up on a little housework, another sign he is getting better as he would actually let me out of his sight. He asked me what day and when I said Thursday told me we were going swimming and music train and ballet later. So I could hardly disappoint him could I?

He was great at swimming, tried really hard and even had his goggles on for five minutes. He was very tired at Music Train, took part, but with less enthusiaism than normal, lying on his rug at one point snuggling Billy, his dog cuddler.

He did perk up by the time we collected Carys from school and was very excited to put on his new, rather big (age 3-4) leggings for ballet. Carys was busy telling me about her costume for the show. I am lead to believe that she is wearing a blue outfit with a 'proper' tutu. I'm not sure who is more excited about that. I just hope I get chance to take some photos.

Bedtime went relatively smoothly and W has only woken once so far and settled really quickly. Fingers crossed as he really has some catching up to do! C looks really tired but is holding it together well. I am dreading the week before Christmas and the school play finishing at 20.30 three nights in a row. That is two hours later than she normally goes to bed. It mmay not be pretty!

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