Sunlight Sands

Didnt sleep well last night.....then got woken up by a dog barking :-/

As the forecast today was dry with possible sunny spells we decided to head towards the coast.

Stopped off for brunch at Sootys Cafe, had poached eggs and bacon on toast, then drove on to was pretty deserted, as we expected.

It felt much chillier once we got out of the car on the seafront, so out came the gloves and hats......we did a circuitous route, including up the pier, a cuppa in their recently revamped cafe, and on the way back down, I took this shot, in one of the rare sunny moments!

We did just on 10k steps, hubs knee all but held up...... so back to the car, then drove home via Cedar Farm, as we needed to replenish our coffee bean stock and of course we had to have a coffee as we were there!

A bowl of soup for me before going to my dancercise class, hub is "sorting" himself out, with cod, chips and salad I think ;-) Ive got a vegetable tagine and lemony couscous waiting for when I get back :-)

Still trying to be good.........

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