More red petals

Another good nights sleep, alarm woke us at 8.30 as we needed to be up and out by 10.....yes I here you, but we do tend to stay up late!

Caught the guided bus into Manchester to meet up with our retired mates from our working days ;-). Almost 40 of us spent a lovely 3 hours chatting and catching up with each others lives, whilst sharing a drink and a two course meal.

Afterwards we wandered past the Town Hall, Albert Square, looking a little sad with all its cordoned off areas and scaffolding, whilst its having its facelift, up to Peter's Square, as you can see here in my blip, nice that all the poppies are still in situ too.

This was taken late this afternoon, you can see the suns reflection on the office windows, and despite how it looks, the City was bustling with people!!

We picked up the car and drove home, just had a light snack, before we head off to daughters for a couple of hours. I am giving SW a miss tonight, I dont feel too bad, but coughing well, but no way I could do the exercise class with my dodgy toe..... other than holidays, think this is the first time Ive missed class in just over a year!

Youngest has been in touch to say that the hospital can provide his new glasses lens for a lot less than the opticians, so he is a happy boy!

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