Proud Weegie

By Shiv

No ducks !

Snow finally arrived. Just a light dusting but enough to cause chaos in our street as we are in a bit of a dip. Even a hard frost causes hill start problems ! Time to start parking at the top in the evening.

Didn't do my housework this morning - had some errands to run. Felt like I was bunking off (or 'doggin it!' as we used to stay at school in Weegie-land).

No 3 was very excited to dig out all her snow gear but she was a tad overdressed by the time we managed to get out the house in the afternoon to go feed the ducks down by the canal. But she was happy.

Not too happy 30 mins later - no ducks braving the semi-frozen waters (just as well as she had already munched her way through the choice bits of bread/cake I had gathered for the ducks).

Girls Christmas night out tonight. Staying local but it's a BYOB - so may turn ugly.

Have a great weekend blippers....keep warm and toasty.

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