Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Three little angels.

Reminds me of an old Brownies song...

3 little angels - all dressed in white
Tried to get to heaven on the end of a kite...

(except we would change the word to 'sh.....!' not telling!)

Got the tree and deccies up. Everyone is posting pictures of their tree on FB - beautifully decorated, colour coded and each ornament equi-distant from it's neighbour.

Better not post ours then. Our tree is decorated with things the kids made over the years, stuffed toys, my mum's 'bells' (she wore these round her neck and jangled them when she had a few Whiskys !) and some lovely decorations sent from my sister's tree in Oz. I think there's was a colour theme to it once (probably green!).

The Christmas train set isn't out yet, but we found the Lego Village. Mr S will be trying to build it for days now - only to find an important bit missing!

I think there was an important bit of me missing today - after a splendid Curry in Currie with 6 beautiful girls. A fine night out.

My little mulled wine has cured me though !

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