Lime and soda

It was never my intention to do 'Dry January'; the challenge for me is not to stop drinking, which I can do easily enough, it's to find a way of drinking in moderation. 

But there was no sign of that last week: dinner with my twentieth century babies on Monday; curry with Dan, Abi, and Izzy on Tuesday; a bottle of wine on Wednesday (admittedly unprovoked); out in Kirkby Lonsdale with Bob and co on Thursday; out in Manchester with Ian and Simon on Friday; Mike and Sarah's party on Saturday; and then wine with Milly, last night for Izzy's remote birthday party.

So it was something of a relief to settle down behind this glass of lime and soda in the pub, this evening, while I waited for Dan to finish his guitar lesson.

-10.6 kgs
Reading: 'The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook' by Michael Brooks

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