These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Hardware Store treats!

We had a nice brisk walk downtown this morning, for a trip to the post office and the ever famous Waitsburg Hardware store. The store has so many fun and interesting things to look at, but best of all was finding good and faithful Joe guarding the food and handing out cookies! The kids were thrilled and thoroughly enjoyed their cookies the whole way home!

We just got back from driving around town for snack time and we came across the wild turkeys that live in town. So many fun things to find in such a small little town!

It's still morning around here, and there is lots more adventures to come! I thought I better get my blip up and running before I ran out of time. We are planning on going out to Great Grandma Ave's house for a yummy dinner and fun this evening. Can't wait!

Here's MIA on the walk home after her cookie!

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