These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Big Brother Love

Today was the last day of our trip to small town Waitsburg to visit Papa George and Grandma Jeannie. It was a very fun visit and to be frank, Tyler informed me tonight that Grandma's house is more fun than our house. I asked why and he listed off things like pick up sticks and dice. I'm sure that the hot chocolate with a bowl full of marshmallows is top on the list too. Anyways, we ended our visit with a trip out to watch a big black walnut tree get cut down and a lot of piano playing with Grandma! At one point, they were looking in a Christmas book of music and Mia saw a picture of the Three Wise Men on camels. She started singing, "I saw Jesus riding on a camel" all on her own. Hilarious!

After Grandmas, we headed into town to visit a dear friend, her son, and soon to be baby brother. We had some fun taking pictures of the belly and playing with friends. The kids all got along great and we had a wonderful visit. This picture is obvious. Big brother is loving on baby brother! So precious!

We had a successful drive home, for the most part. However, my day included cleaning up one too many messes. A wet car seat, a poopy bathroom and two glasses of milk. I was ready to be done to say the least!

We ended the night playing raquetball while the kids were at class. I pulled out one win. One out of three, I'll take it, especially when it involves my husband. Goodnight!

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